Dreamer's Realm!
"Dreamer's Realm." 20"x 30”, is painted with colored pencil on 2-sided .007 drafting film and mounted on board. It features a young girl’s calm contemplation with her chin resting on her hand. Her radiant dark skin is adorned with a striking sunflower is placed in her hair which adds a touch of brightness and draws attention to the girl’s gentle expression of envisioning a happier future. The girl’s wrapped in an bright orange shawl, surrounded by a fluttering ensemble of vibrant orange and black butterflies and Rubins, seemingly mid-flight, surrounding the girl, adding a sense of movement and freedom. The whimsical energy of the butterflies and Rubins harmonizing beautifully with the sunrise background creating a lively composition.
Robin: Represents new growth and renewal.
Butterflies: Symbols of transformation, hope and rebirth.
Sunflowers: Symbols of warmth, positivity, prosperity, and spiritual enlightenment.
Sunrise: Brings with it a fresh start.
20 x 30 x 1