Afternoon Sun at Sprice Tree

Afternoon Sun at Sprice Tree, Landscape
Afternoon Sun at Sprice Tree
In this painting, I'm taking you with me to a remote but favorite area along the St. Joe River. The waters you see here are protected by Wild and Scenic River status. The Joe is famous as the highest navigable river in the world. From the 1880s to 1930s, steamboats on Lake Coeur d'Alene took passengers up the river. Today, you can take a cruise boat from downtown, travel the length of the lake, and journey a little ways up the Joe before turning around.The spot I've painted here was not reachable by boat, as there are many areas where the river becomes narrow and rapid. I am drawn to the places that are a little harder to get to and a little further away. I love the experience of being alone in the outdoors. Perhaps it reminds me of childhood days spent on my grandparents' farm, sitting outside by myself, watching the clouds, or the birds, or the way the wind moved through tall grasses and rippled the waters of the pond. It's easy to be alone with the Joe, at the right times of year, and I feel like we know each other pretty well.

Landscape    18 x 24